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Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

lesson plan


School                                     : SD Negeri Suruh
Subject                                    : Bahasa Inggris
Grade/Semester                       : IV/1  
Topic                                       : School Area
Skill                                         : Reading
Meeting                                   : 1
Time Allocation                      : 2 X 35 minutes
Standard of Competence        : 3.   Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas.
Basic Competency                  : 3.1 Membaca nyaring dengan alphabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang melibatkan kata dan frasa
Indicators                               :
·         Children understand about the signs and symbols.
·         Children are able to match words or phrases with the appropriate signs and symbols in the school area.
·         Children are able to answer question related to the signs and symbols in the school area.
·         Children are able to read aloud signs and symbols in the school area.
A.                   Learning Objective
      At the end of the lesson, children are able to use the signs and symbols in their daily life.
B.                    Learning Materials
1.      Language functions
Expression of giving instructions:
1.      Be careful, there is a school over there!
2.      Please, enter to the class at the entrance symbols!
3.      Please, out from the class at the exit symbols!
4.      Don’t mistake! A female in toilet with a woman’s symbol and male in toilet with a man’s symbol.
5.      Let’s pray in the mask!
2.      Pronunciation
1.      sku:l
2.      ˈen.trənts
3.      ˈek.sɪt
4.      ˈtɔɪ.lət
5.      mɒsk
4.      Vocabulary
School, entrance, exit, toilet, Mosque.
C.                   Learning Media

  School       Entrance       Exit        Toilet for     Toilet for             Mosque        
                                                        Women          men   
D.                   Method : PPP ( Presentation, Practice and Production)
E.                    Teaching and Learning Activities:
1.            Pre-teaching
a.       The teacher greets the children.
b.      The teacher asks the students’ condition.
c.       The teacher leads the prayer.
d.      The teacher checks the students’ attendance.
2.            Whilst-teaching
a.       Presentation
§  The teacher asks children to read alphabet.
§  The teacher shows some signs and symbols available in the school area.
§  The teacher asks question and answer activity related signs and symbols.
§  The teacher introduces new vocabulary about signs and symbols available in the school area.
§  The teacher reads signs and symbols and then children follow it.
§  The teacher checks the children’s pronunciation.
b.      Practice
§  The teacher asks children to match signs and symbols with appropriate words.
c.       Production
§  The teacher divides children into five groups, consisting of five children.
§  The teacher invites each group to come in front of the class.
§  Each group has a sign or a symbol with random words in their hand and then they should arrange it.
§  Each group should read the word loudly in front of the class together.
3.            Post-teaching
The teacher asks the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
The teacher reviews the lessons together with the students.
                  The teacher closes the teaching and learning process.

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